
Greetings to all potential clients!

I welcome you to my blog LaCDesign and your interest in my design services. Below you will see a small sampling of my work which includes current and past projects. Should you have any questions or are interested in seeing any specific types of work please feel free to contact me.

I thank you for your time and interest and look forward to assisting you in your future creative endeavours.

All the best,

Laura Croswaite
Graphic Designer

Tuesday 15 February 2011

Relay for Life tri-fold brochure

Above is a tri-fold brochure design for the American Cancer Society's fundraising event called Relay for Life. This brochure provides information concerning a current cancer study and encourages voluntary participation. It was distributed at a local Relay for Life event in Orange, California. The design was inspired by the purple moon shape of the Relay for Life logo and the color palette of the American Cancer Society logo. The text was organized in legible sections that embrace white space. A picture strip showcasing past research studies and event photos bisects the text as a visually stimulating focal point to the layout.